The Little Known Sunsynk and Deye CT Clamp Extension Hack

How to Extend a CT clamp for Sunsynk and Deye Inverters. Go beyond the 15m limit with this DIY hack!

Discover practical solutions for extending Sunsynk and Deye CT clamps beyond 15m. Learn how to overcome limitations and optimize your solar energy system. The CT clamp cable can be extended, and depending on your use case, this can be easy…

Fix the Weird Solar Assistant CRC Error on Sunsynk and Deye

Solar Energy Concepts earns commission from qualifying purchases via links on this page. TL;DR Solved by splitting CAN and RS-485 using a single network cable. Jump to the solution: Why Does this Problem Happen And Who Is Affected Usually, Solar Assistant runs…

Forecast Solar and Battery Charging. Easy Win at Winter

Simple automation for battery charging and smart use of flexible tariffs for maximum savings using Solar Assistant. Winter spells a return to buying electricity from the grid for home solar energy system owners. Nevertheless, we can put our system to…

The DIY Solar Panels System I Would Build in 2024

I built a DIY solar panel system for my home in May 2023. It has been a fantastic asset, and by March 2024, it has saved me over £500 in electricity bills. Welcome to a golden age of DIY solar…

Adding Panels To An Existing String With Microinverters


Hybrid inverters have AC-Coupled input ports for taking additional power from microsieverts or generators. Use this to easily add more PV capacity. I built a DIY solar energy system for my home in the late spring of 2023. It was…

The Best Way To Export DIY Solar Energy -Outgoing Octopus

Bar chart displaying electricity export data over time, with peaks indicating higher export volumes on certain dates.

Learn how your DIY solar energy system can earn money through Octopus Energy’s innovative export scheme. No MCS certificate is required—this is a step-by-step guide.  This article includes a referral link to Octopus Energy. I earn a referral fee from…

Dual Inverter: Upgrade from 3.6kW to 5.6kW and G99 DNO


 Back  Nikola Nedoklanov  5 min read  August 3, 2024 888 words Learn how to upgrade your home solar system from 3.6kW to 5.6kW by adding a second inverter and obtaining G99 approval from your DNO. A DIY guide. In this article I will walk…